9 Warning Signs You’re a Hub-and-Spoke Owner
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9 Warning Signs You’re a Hub-and-Spoke Owner

If you were to draw a picture that visually represents your role in your business, what would it look like? Are you at the top of a traditional Christmas-tree-like organizational chart, or are you stuck in the middle of your business, like a hub in a bicycle wheel?  Business owners generally avoid hub-and-spoke self-managed businesses…

Business Owners: How To Be 400 Percent More  Effective

Business Owners: How To Be 400 Percent More Effective

When business owners get stuck working ‘in’ the business, there are two things that business owners start to find challenging very quickly: thinking ahead and doing things in order of importance. Losing control and not doing these two key activities make the difference between just surviving in business and owning a successful, profitable and predictable…

Did You Miss The Perfect Time To Sell Your Business?

Did You Miss The Perfect Time To Sell Your Business?

September was a roller-coaster ride for stockholders here and overseas. Tidy wins followed by even larger losses, left the average investor reeling and were a good reminder that markets move in both directions. Valuations of privately held business have also been somewhat turbulent of late. In many of the reports I am reading—both large and…

You Need A Business Coach … Even If You Don’t Want One!

You Need A Business Coach … Even If You Don’t Want One!

In a recent podcast interview I listened to, famed thought leader Seth Godin exclaimed that nowadays, nobody wants a [business] coach … everybody who wants a coach already has got themselves one … I think Seth is absolutely right, and I couldn’t agree more! Business Owners Want Results … Here’s why…just like nobody wants to buy a drill…