The 8 crtitical plans for a productive, motivated team in your business

The quote that is ringing loudest in my head right now is the old Kellogg’s tagline “It’s the simplest thing in life that are often the best”. Below are my top 8 areas to focus on in developing a productive team.

Is having no documented and shared plan in your business simpler than having one ….my experience says no.  Seeing teams without direction and focus stresses them and the owners…while severely limiting the business.  The owners are trapped into micro managing their teams…which the completely the opposite to what most owners are wanting to achieve.

Make your life simpler … make sure your business has as many of these in place as you can and most importantly; the team know about them.

  • 90 Action plan for the business
  • An organisation chart
  • Each team member has daily todo lists.
  • Their own personal 90 day action plan
  • A position description
  • A default diary
  • Procedures & policies
  • Feedback from you.

These don’t need to be complicated, in fact I would urge you to keep it simple and non complex.  To quote another famous product slogan “Just do it!”

Here’s to simplicity in systems.

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