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Geoff’s a business speaker you can’t ignore
In business, you have to be a good communicator. It’s about sharing knowledge and inspiring others to follow that advise. Here’s a recommendation from a fellow business coach about Geoff’s ‘real-world’, practical communication style. Geoff is a first class speaker … [he] engages with an audience on a very personal level and gives freely of…
All small business needs Coaching
The word’s out! This week I caught up with a top coaching client about the relevance of business coaching in today’s marketplace, and he didn’t hold back from making a point. Here’s what he said. So it took me a little longer for the penny to drop, but when it did, the invaluable tools and…
Geoff delivers value for clients
Fresh of the press… Rob Hilliar (a Business Coach) from PI proves, yet again, the value and depth of real business insight BGL provides its clients. Thank for yesterday’s meeting. You know your stuff so well and you see things so clearly that at times it must be difficult for you to appreciate the value…