“Help me get my life back…I’m putting out fires all day, everyday”
Let’s face it – fire fighting is a fact of business life. Right? After all, things happen…
Customers complain…
Things don’t go right…
Products don’t ship…
Staff don’t show up…
Every single day.
In the 21st century, all of us run lean operations, and the leaner you run, the more sensitive you are to things going haywire when something doesn’t go exactly as planned. Any little thing can be the spark that sets the flames ablaze.
And yet, the more structured and systemised you are – we call it “turn-keyed” – the more you are able to deal with the day to day ‘abnormalities’. When you have checklists and flowcharts and systems – the emergencies and the daily fires – tend to be fewer and further between.
Why is this important?
Well, if you’re not trying to build for the future, it isn’t. Day to day emergencies don’t have to crush your profits, do they. (Maybe they do…)
But, if you want to scale your business, duplicate your location, and maybe even sell the company one day…a Business Growth Leader will recognise that you can’t put on an addition if the building’s burning. A Business Growth Leaders will see creating systems and documented processes is a little like fireproofing.
When you have checklists in place, and scripts, and documented processes for every critical factor that makes your business profitable, it makes it harder for the fires to start in the first place.
And that means you – the entrepreneur, the CEO, the owner – can dedicate more of your time to building a big and profitable future. And still have time left over at the end of your work week. Maybe even take a vacation now and then.
All this doesn’t mean you still won’t have emergencies and fires to fight from time to time, however they are the exception and not the rule.
That’s why Business Growth Leaders developed the Business Growth Coaching programs. Our Growth Coaches are trained to help you prioritise the emergencies, figure out where to most efficiently put your energy, make quick and appropriate decisions, and the best way to get things done on a daily basis.
In other words, we help you work on your business, not in it.